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Category: Typ MVT-7753®*

Date indicator, for aperture at 3 o'clock #2557/1
SP17753-100001Date indicator, for aperture at 3 o'clock #2557/1

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guichet indicateur quantiemetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date Indicator, window at 4H30, stem 3H, background black, digits printing white, rectangular, standard font, suspended in the axis #2557/1
SP17753-100023Date Indicator, window at 4H30, stem 3H, background black, digits printing white, rectangular, standard font, suspended in the axis #2557/1

Currently not available

guichet indicateur quantiemetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date Indicator, window at 4H30, stem 3H, background white, digits printing black, rectangular, standard font, suspended in the axis #2557/1
SP17753-100027Date Indicator, window at 4H30, stem 3H, background white, digits printing black, rectangular, standard font, suspended in the axis #2557/1

In Stock

type-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date Indicator, window at 6H, stem 3H, background black, digits printing white, rectangular, standard font #2557/1
SP17753-100026Date Indicator, window at 6H, stem 3H, background black, digits printing white, rectangular, standard font #2557/1

Currently not available

guichet indicateur quantiemetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date Indicator, window at 6H, stem 3H, background white, digits printing black, rectangular, standard font #2557/1
SP17753-100025Date Indicator, window at 6H, stem 3H, background white, digits printing black, rectangular, standard font #2557/1

Currently not available

guichet indicateur quantiemetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Minutes counting wheel #35.020.000
SP17753-100024Minutes counting wheel #35.020.000

Currently not available

minuterie mobile rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Setting lever jumper #445
SP17753-100022Setting lever jumper #445

Currently not available

sautoir tirettetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Main plate, assembled #100
SP17753-910001Main plate, assembled #100

Currently not available

ebauche laiton platinetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date jumper spring #2575
SP17753-100002Date jumper spring #2575

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bascule bloqueur mecanisme pignontype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Rocking bar #437
SP17753-100003Rocking bar #437

Currently not available

bascule bloqueur mecanisme renvoitype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Intermediate setting wheel #453
SP17753-100004Intermediate setting wheel #453

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intermediaire mecanisme renvoi rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Setting lever jumper #445
SP17753-100005Setting lever jumper #445

Currently not available

sautoir tirettetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Friction spring assembled for Chronograph wheel #8290
SP17753-100006Friction spring assembled for Chronograph wheel #8290

Currently not available

chrono mecanisme ressorttype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Blockierhebel, montiert #8200
SP17753-100007Blockierhebel, montiert #8200

Currently not available

bloqueur mecanismetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date corrector yoke #2765
SP17753-100008Date corrector yoke #2765

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bascule correcteur mecanismetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Corrector yoke spring #2769
SP17753-100009Corrector yoke spring #2769

Currently not available

bascule correcteur mecanisme ressorttype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Additional driving wheel #1503
SP17753-100018Additional driving wheel #1503

Currently not available

mobile rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Hour–counting wheel #8600
SP17753-100019Hour–counting wheel #8600

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mobile rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Hour counter lock #8690
SP17753-100020Hour counter lock #8690

Currently not available

bascule bloqueur chronographetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Calendar platform, assembled, nickel-plated #2551/1
SP17753-918010Calendar platform, assembled, nickel-plated #2551/1

Currently not available

calendrier ebauche laiton platinetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date jumper #2576
SP17753-100011Date jumper #2576

Currently not available

plaque quantieme sautoirtype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date indicator driving wheel #2556
SP17753-100013Date indicator driving wheel #2556

Currently not available

mobile quantieme rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date corrector #2566
SP17753-100014Date corrector #2566

Currently not available

correcteur levier mecanisme plaque quantiemetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Date corrector intermediate setting wheel #450
SP17753-100015Date corrector intermediate setting wheel #450

Currently not available

correcteur mecanisme quantieme renvoi rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Minute counter intermediate wheel #8042
SP17753-100016Minute counter intermediate wheel #8042

Currently not available

compteur minuterie mobile rouagetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components
Additional minutes counting wheel #8020
SP17753-100017Additional minutes counting wheel #8020

Currently not available

minuterie mobile rouage supplementairetype-mvt-7753 1-assortment-components

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